Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Explain two reasons why a film company would release a video game linked to a film.

Explain two reasons why a film company would release a video game linked to a film.
Teenagers may not watch a film like the lego movie because they consider it childish, however many teenagers may think that video games are not childish and a way to socialize with their friends. Rather than the movie being for children only by releasing a video game the range of ages who want to watch or play the LEGO movie will increase by a lot and much more ages will play the lego movie video game. Teenagers consider video games a challenge and so long as it is challenging teenagers will play, and then want to watch the LEGO movie.
A film company may also release a video game because it could introduce another group of people to the film. There are many different groups of people who like different things, many people like going to the cinema and many people like to play video games, both of these types of people could be included in a film franchise if a video game is released as well as the game. The population who play video games may play the films video game and then want to watch the film and compare what happens in the film and in the game. This would increase sales by a lot and definitely increase the popularity of the film.

1 comment:

  1. Mark 4/4
    You have mostly got this. Don't be afraid to state the obvious: vertical integration enables a business (like Warner) to maximize the potential of a brand, in this case, Lego. It gives the existing audience new experiences and pleasures outside the film and reaches new audiences, such as non-cinema going video game players (which you got).
    With its successful global subculture, due to its vertical integration of games, films, magazines and competitions, the Lego brand can reach out to a larger audience through its range of products.
