Tuesday, 5 March 2019


In the Observer front page colourful promotional material is very dominant in the front cover. Language like "free supplement inside" shows the social context of consumerism. It shows that the consumer expects and accepts self promotion in media magazines. This shows the Observer reflecting the social context through the use of promotional material. Highly saturated colour and extremely dominant photographs is used to reflect the social context of consumerism further. It shows that the consumer expects this dominance of images and highly saturated colour and that traditional broadsheet newspapers are adopting this technique.

The Observer front page is very diverse. It displays people of all races which displays its cultural context. This cultural context is shows because of the diversity displayed. "Nadia Hussain" is shown as a powerful Pakistani Woman. As well as reflecting the cultural context of the Observer, by including "Nadia Hussain" it also reflects the social context of the Observer by displaying women as powerful independent members of community. This follows the feminist movement and reflects both the social and cultural context of the Observer.

Political context is displayed on the Observer through the use of the main headline focusing on the brexit debate. The lead story being about this political debate is a great way of the Observer reflecting its political context as it also shows the dominance of this debate in society today. This post about the Observer front page is a tweet from the official Guardian twitter account. This reflects the social context of the Observer as the audience is able to interacts with the tweet and shows that the readership of the Observer expect to be able to build a relationship with the newspaper which is evident through the number of comments and likes on the tweet.

The political, social and cultural context of the Observer is reflected greatly through the use of many different representations shown in the Observer. The Observer reflects its context by including all races and genders. It also reflects political context through the political debates shown by the dominant headline in the front cover.

1 comment:

  1. Marks 10 + 5 =15 Good, Ben. Add the interactivity as well
    AO2(1a) Analyse media products using the theoretical framework of media including in relation to their contexts. (total 10 marks)
    Level 3 (7–10 marks)
    An excellent application of the relevant elements of the theoretical framework and media contexts.
    • A sophisticated, perceptive and accurate analysis of relevant aspects of the extract supported by a range of examples.

    AO2(1b) Make judgements and draw conclusions. (total 5 marks)
    Level 3 (4–5 marks)
    A clear judgement and conclusion is reached and is fully supported by the analysis.
    There is a well-developed line of reasoning which is clear and logically structured. The information presented is relevant and substantiated.
