Thursday 12 October 2017


In the TV program cuffs the very first scene contains a aerial shot of Brighton pier, this is a good camera shot because it allows us to view the city from above rather than viewing in form on the ground as we normally would. This camera shot could also be considered as a establishing shot because it allows us to view a big part of Brighton and all around Brighton. Establishing shots are effective because they allow the audience to see the whole of where the scene/program is set. A extreme close up shot is used when PC Ryan Draper is looking through the post box at a man with a knife. We can only see his eyes in this scene and this is a another very effective technique. In an extreme close up it shows that we can see the emotions of the characters. In the scene where PC Ryan Draper is looking through a postbox we can sense the fear he is feeling

1 comment:

  1. Mark 3 out of 5
    You identify the establishing shot as an aerial shot and the extreme close-up.
    To get full marks, offer more than the minimum of 2 examples: note that the question asks for 'at least two'.
