Tuesday 3 October 2017


A Big challenge when filming our swede was filming the dialogue, we were finding it very hard to film the first scene without laughing. We also spent a lot of time searching the triangle for a feather. Lots of the running scenes went very well but we found it took time to get back up the hills we would run down quickly so we are ready for the next scene. When Rahim ran up the hill i found it difficult to keep the camera still, When filming the feather falling I found it was difficult to keep the camera in focus. We needed to keep the camera in focus because this is a very important scene. I found that when we were zooming in on the camera it wouldn't look very smooth and would change very suddenly. I think I can resolve this problem by practicing using the camera more. When editing I am going to add a soundtrack whilst Rahim is running as this is a vital scene and needs to be tense so viewers can understand the plot.

1 comment:

  1. Grade A work
    So I see that you knew about the feather! You found that keeping the camera steady is key to success.
    Your account shows the good quality of work that you did in filming. I look forward to seeing the edit.
